Spencer Evans is a contemporary classical composer who utilizes collaboration to create a more accessible environment for marginalized peoples. After beginning classical piano training at a young age, they eventually grew tired of performing other people's works and began writing their own.
Spencer's music ranges from neoclassical to more exploratory pieces involving microtonality and extended technique for solo instruments. While they have found success in writing concert music, they believe their writing style and aspirations lend themselves best to films or performance art spaces. Their dream career is to be a film composer, and their favorite film scores at the moment are Bobby Krlic’s score for Midsommar (dir. Ari Aster) and Ryuichi Sakamoto and Alva Noto’s score for The Revenant (dir. Alejandro G. Iñárritu).
Spencer graduated from the University of Denver with a Bachelor of Music in Composition and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Music Theory.
A champion of social justice, Spencer fuels their emotions around topics such as Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ rights into their works. In the future, they hope to create musical programs that exclusively showcase LGBTQ performers and performers of color. Spencer also believes in creating a more accessible environment for new music and hopes to create programs that include people from all walks of life whether they come from a musical background or not.
Spencer's music has been performed by the Mivos Quartet, Trio Immersio, the Estrella Consort, the Julius Quartet, and various performers at the Lamont School of Music in Denver, Colorado. Programs they have attended include the ICEBERG Institute (Vienna, Austria), Valencia International Performance Academy (Valencia, Spain),Alba Music Festival (Alba, Italy), and the Screen Music Festival (Milan, Italy).
When not composing, Spencer watches films and television and drinks Monsters and root beer. Spencer can play piano, guitar, violin, steel drums, and electric bass.